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AdvanTex Treatment Systems are ideal for small sites, system upgrades and repairs, new installations,
pretreatment, and nitrogen reduction.
AdvanTex Treatment Systems turn wastewater into clear, odorless effluent. Our AX Series
produces effluent that exceeds Secondary Treatment Standards, and the AX20 model, rated at 500 gpd, successfully passed the
NSF/ANSI Standard 40 testing protocol for Class 1 Systems.**
The heart of the AdvanTex Treatment System is the AdvanTex Filter — a fiberglass basin
filled with an engineered textile material. This highly absorbent material treats a tremendous amount of wastewater in a very
small space.
With AdvanTex, there are no odors. No noisy, power-hungry blowers. No activated sludge to
manage or pump. No discharge of untreated sewage during peak flows or emergencies.
~Orenco Systems, Inc